I Am Here
I Am Here
Martin Cecil December 25, 1980
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the LORD. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
We all have the opportunity of sharing this service this morning, bringing a Gift to the LORD, and also a Gift to the children of men. It is well and fitting that we should take time in this day to be together in Oneness of Spirit, aware of purpose and in position to provide what is right and needful now. This day has dawned over the earth. Perhaps we here on the west coast of North America are about the last to have come to that dawning. I am thinking particularly of those who are consciously aware of True Purpose and who share this day on that basis. Most of those who are consciously aware of True Purpose, the Reality of Being, having a certain measure of experience in this regard, have awakened and are present with us in these moments.
In oneness of spirit we are assembled in the Presence of the LORD to present the Gift of ourselves in manifest form to Him. We have awakened to an increased awareness of the reality of the Presence of the One whose birth is this day celebrated around the world. We recognize that original birth as a point of conception. That One is present in the Body which He has been forming over the centuries. He is present in that Body in this hour. We share whatever awareness of this to the extent of our own awakening. Certainly we do not look back, any more than as individuals we particularly look back to the point of our conception. We know there was a conception or we wouldn’t be here. But we are here; that would seem to be the point. Exactly the same thing is true with respect to this larger Body in which the LORD, as we have known Him, is incarnate.
No one needs to look for the day of His coming, because the fact of the matter is that He never left. According to the story He was taken up into heaven, and this is assumed to mean that He went someplace else. But we proclaim with our lips at times that heaven and earth are one. His Presence has been constant. As He said, “There am I in the midst.” It has always been so, up to this very hour, and His Body forms in consequence. Because of the Spirit that has been present individually with us we are here. Because of the Spirit which has been present in this larger Body He is here. We may have taken the attitude that He is here; we may be inclined to take that attitude now; but if it is His Body and we are a part of that composition, both in form and in consciousness, then the word is naturally spoken by reason of that Body, “I am here.”
We share this awareness to the extent that we are awake. Those who still slumber may say, “He is here,” or perhaps, “He is at hand,” or “He may be here one day”—there are various levels of understanding—but the truth is to be known, and the truth is that “I am here," and each one of us can say that. Because we can say that, the truth is proclaimed; the Body is present of the One who brings peace, peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Most human beings are not awake; they slumber on. There are those on earth now who are awakening or are awake and who are in position therefore to proclaim the truth. We rejoice this particular day because it is a reminder for all people that conception did take place, that there has been gestation and birth since, and there is One on earth incarnate in His Body who says, “I am here,” and so the Gift is offered to the children of men. Because there are those who have brought the Gift of themselves to the point of awakening, then the Gift which the LORD would give is given to the world, and we find this to be increasingly so. It is given that others also may awaken to the truth. The Word is spoken on earth, in living, not merely in words, although words are spoken.
We all speak words. Do these words that we speak ring true always? What are our words day by day? Is the Word present by reason of our words? What of our attitudes day by day? Is the Word present by reason of our attitudes? What of all aspects of our living, in every detail? Is the Word present because of this? If we are awake it is so. If we are not awake then dreams persist, words are spoken, deeds are done, that do not ring true. Today is the Day when we may well rejoice to be aware of the truth and to be very sure that all that finds release this Day shall be true to the truth, ring true, that it may be so henceforth forever.
There are those who have cried unto the LORD, “O Lord, how long, O Lord.” I would suggest that probably the Lord’s word is, “O human beings, how long, human beings!” Why drag it out? Why not let the truth be known? Why not let the reality of the power of love be the expression of living? What better day is there to experience this in the fulness of our oneness in the Spirit of the Word? Let the Word be spoken this day and in all the days to come because we, with many more, provide a Body and a Consciousness, a facility, by which this may be so, to the Glory of God, to bring the experience of peace on earth and goodwill to men.
Our most gracious LORD, it is our most thankful privilege to be together in these moments here in this Chapel. While we are together in person we have a keen awareness of those who share these moments with us in spirit the world around. We ourselves as human beings have experienced rich blessing, but now Thy Spirit comes forth. We no longer stand merely as human beings on earth but as the angels of the Lord who proclaim in their living the truth of Thy Presence, that all things may be under Thine hand, that Thy dominion may be restored to Thee, and that thereby all things may work together to perfection as the newness of Thy Kingdom is made known, to Thy Glory, in the Christ. Aum-en. Glory to God in the Highest.
© emissaries of divine light
"We no longer stand merely as human beings on earth but as the angels of the Lord who proclaim in their living the truth of Thy Presence..."I AM HERE.
“We all speak words. Do these words that we speak ring true always? What are our words day by day? Is the Word present by reason of our words? What of our attitudes day by day? Is the Word present by reason of our attitudes? What of all aspects of our living, in every detail? Is the Word present because of this? Today is the Day when we may well rejoice to be aware of the truth and to be very sure that all that finds release this Day shall be true to the truth, ring true, that it may be so henceforth forever.”
These words by Martin light up the Beautiful Star within. My favorite Christmas song says simply: “O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, Shine on!”
Yes. "What of all aspects of our living, in every detail?"
Every tiny and large moment of my day is where "I AM." We each may say this through our actions, our inner thoughts, and the desires of our hearts as we go about the sacred business of Living.
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