December 25, 2024



Uranda   August 14, 1953

In this hour, if you will, I should like very much to give you an opportunity to have a deeper knowing, a clearer vision, of my KING. I have presented you before Him, and according to your response He has received you; and now I would let you know something more about Him.

In the world it is considered to be a great honor to have a moment in which to meet the president of our great country and perhaps to shake his hand, or to be presented at court before some king or queen. And I would not detract from that. But if that be an honor, then the privilege of presentation before the KING of Kings is far greater still. And perhaps one of the greatest impressions of this hour is, and will be, a deep spirit of thankfulness for the reality of eternity; for it will take that long to come to know all that He has in store for you. There may be many wonderful and great impressions to begin with, but he who sees and knows enough to have any real impression will not have the impression that he knows Him fully. I have served our KING for many, many thousands of years and more. I have served with Him, in the particular capacity which I have at the present moment in His Court, since long before the beginning of the creation of this earth. He was gracious enough, and kind enough, to grant me the privilege of serving in a responsible position in His Court, long, long ago. There is no need for the mind to speculate as to what the pattern was before that. You could not comprehend it, in any case. But some of you have sometimes wondered, perhaps marveled a little, at my personal attitude in relationship to my KING. Every sort of human pressure in circumstance and in loss has been brought to bear to make me, or try to make me, violate my agreement with Him. When I talk to you about creation I may be using Biblical texts to help you to understand, but I was there. I remember it and know it as you remember the things of yesterday. And I came into the world at this time to offer assistance to any man or any woman [] anywhere, of any race or color or creed, who might be inspired to want to know and serve my KING.

Yes, to know Him is to love Him, and to love Him is to begin to know Him. But the human mind tends to run into certain patterns of limitation in consciousness, in concept, idea. If you try to picture Him as you would a man, the vision will fall short, and yet we saw Him on earth a little while ago as a man, and in our hours of togetherness we have meditated often and much upon the words He spoke, upon the life He lived, the things He did. We can see Him to some degree as He was made manifest in the form of a man, and the life He lived engendered a very great love response in the world, and even though it be on a distorted pattern, the influence of His presence on earth is extended into all countries, all places. And to some degree there is love for Him, but all too often it is love that is easily forgotten under the pressure of the circumstance of some moment in life, something that for the moment is crowded out of consciousness, and the individual may in such a circumstance speak or act without regard to that love, without regard for the KING. But as we learn to truly love Him we find that there is nothing that can make us forget. No pressure of circumstance, no pain, no sorrow, no loss that can come to man on earth, can make us forget, not even for a moment.

When I approach such a presentation as this I feel very keenly the limitations of words, the limitation of the symbolical means of portrayal. I have heard it said, more or less facetiously, with respect to the possibility when I may run out of words and wonder just how to say it, “That will be the day.” Well this is the day. This is the day, because no words of mine can adequately portray. So we must be in communion in spirit, that through the Spirit of the Word you may perceive to some degree that which I would portray for you in this brief hour. There is one thing to remember: One cannot live and move and have his being on the basis of a citizen of a Kingdom unless one is keenly conscious of the King. If you are a citizen of a Kingdom and you are not conscious of the King of the Kingdom, having love, loyalty—not just admiration, not just respect, but deep devotion—you cannot possibly function in relationship to a kingdom; for there is no Kingdom without a King. And the meaningfulness of a Kingdom depends upon the King, and if there be no awareness of the King there is no awareness of the Kingdom. Our concern in this hour is that there should be, now and forevermore, an awareness of the KING of the Kingdom. []

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It is not that I would attempt to describe Him to you. I could describe perhaps, in limited words, the manner of His appearance when He walked among men nearly two thousand years ago. Some of the pictures give some little idea, but none of them are true. They are the imaginations of human beings. But He carried not a pompousness but a simple dignity which portrayed, for those eyes which could see, a true greatness. He never acted, even when man was rejecting Him, as if He was less than Himself. He had no need to try to exaggerate the appearance of Himself, but He never depreciated it: His bearing—not as of a King according to the concepts of men, but always the KING as revealed from the standpoint of heavenly things—a ruggedness, a gentleness; unassuming but powerful. I have seen strong men wilt before a single glance of His eye, and I have seen those who seemed to be weak thrill and be uplifted by a look. I have seen patterns of attunement established in a few seconds, in an instant it might seem, whereby one word in form meant more than could ever be spoken in words—by reason of the Spirit of the Word, by what was conveyed in just a word or two.

So often human beings are inclined to try to analyze the words He spoke according to the record on the basis of simply thinking of them as words that any man might have spoken, just as one might read a story; but it does not work. The words have meaning as one finds attunement with His Spirit, and then one begins to have a feeling as if the words were almost unnecessary; just a gentle, gracious touch to make it easier for finite human minds to grasp. Over and over again certain of His disciples tried to establish, with their talk to others, an idea, an attitude, which would promote Him as a King according to human concepts, and it always grieved Him. And He would by some gesture, some word, make all the talk seem to be as chaff before the wind, to be blown away. Over and over again certain of His disciples tried to establish an environment, a pattern, which would show Him off to advantage according to their ideas, and by a gesture or a word He would make it seem to be as nothing, and Oh they would be hurt. They were trying to do something for Him because they loved Him, they said; but they were trying to decide what the setting would be, trying to shape it according to their ideas, and over and over again, because they did not learn easily—some of them never learned—He made all their labors to be as nothing. And they could not understand why He should be so heartless, so cruel, why He would hurt them so, because, after all, they were trying to do something for Him. Some of them never got the idea that He was not concerned about trying to be a King of some little earthly Kingdom, that He was KING of Kings and that His Kingdom included all the Kingdoms of this World.

Sometimes human ideas have pictured somehow that He had a whole host of angels, and faithful saints, and one thing and another, trailing around behind Him in heaven, and everywhere He went in heaven He would be followed by this vast host of angels and saints, all shouting continually some sort of praise, or the idea of glory. I can think of nothing that would tend to turn heaven into hell for Him more quickly than that. It is developed out of a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation of something, it is true. Follow Him, follow His lead, follow out the vibrational pattern; but not a physical following, to be crowding around Him every minute, as if He just could not be left by Himself. Well probably He is not too much by Himself, but following Him in that heavenly sense does not mean just tagging along like a puppy dog, just to be physically there. It means functioning in their place in the Pattern of the Kingdom, so that if the cycle be initiated through Him, if something is opening up, then they are with Him, they follow His lead whithersoever He goeth; which is to say, in the cycles of the unfolding of time, in the determination of the patterns of creation in the processes of living. The coordination, the harmony, is being pictured, not of a vast group of saints or angels hovering about and trying to crowd in close and hoping, just hoping, that Angel So-and-So would get out “so I could get up there. Oh, Saint So-and-So, when will you ever move? You've been there such a long time; I'd like to get over there.” No, no crowding; no need of it; no pushing, no shoving—to follow Him as the KING because He is the KKING.

And how did He become the KING? Oh I could tell you something about it, but not too much of it can be put into human words. But I will tell you this. He became the KING for two reasons. We all wanted Him to be the KING, and His KING, His point of Focalization in Deity on beyond, selected Him—not just arbitrarily, but He selected Him; for He in turn has a KING, you know. In any case, from above and from below He was selected. Why? Because we all loved Him. Because it was His right and His place. From the standpoint of the Divine Design there isn't any question about “Well now, how long is He going to be KING? Maybe I can be KING someday. Maybe we'll depose Him and put somebody else in.” No, from that standpoint we might say that it is completely autocratic—completely autocratic. We do not cast votes in heaven and say, “Well now, I'd like to have a new KING.” He is there, and from the standpoint of those who know Him there is never any question about wishing someone else could be KING for a while. Why? Because He fits; because it is a perfect place for Him.

The vastness of His love, the wonder of His patience, all of the things that enter into it—I cannot begin to describe them all. But He is a KING of Kings. Those who serve with Him never wonder, “Now do you suppose that He'll back me up, that He'll help me see this through, meet this situation?” There is stability. We never think, “Perhaps the KING will have some vagrant fancy this morning and turn things upside down.” No, we can depend upon Him, and He acts as if—in relationship to some, at least—He can depend upon them. It is a good feeling. If we can depend upon Him, then He should be able to depend upon us; and if we are ever to know how true it is that we can depend upon Him we must reach a point where He can depend upon us, and make it stick. We never wonder if He will have power enough to do what needs to be done, if He will be patient enough, or if He will love enough. Those who serve with Him and are aware of Him know that He has the power; there is no question but what it is His Kingdom. They know the power is there. They do not go forth from His Court wondering, “Now do you suppose it can be done?”

If He gives a commission, as He has given one to me, for instance, it never occurs to me to waste any time wondering, “Do you suppose it can be done?” If the KING said to do it, well then we just do it. That is all. And no ifs, maybes about it. We just do it. How? Well then, that is our business; it is my business. Do you think He tells me every turn to make? No, if He gives a commission it is given, and then, in this instance, it is my business. If someone thinks that he or she would have done it in some other way, probably that person doesn't know anything about nine-tenths of the factors involved. But when it comes down to it, it is my business, a commission, a job to do. So we do not question and say among ourselves, “Do you suppose it can be done?”—argue the thing pro and con. We don't have that kind of a King. We would not have a commission unless it could be done. And for those who know Him truly there is just simply never any thought of possibly disobeying Him. He doesn't make life miserable, setting up a lot of dos and don'ts, trying to tell you how to turn around, what to do on every occasion. No, His commands are simple, His expectations just; and if we really know Him it simply never occurs to us that we might disobey. Disobey? What would that be, to disappoint Him? Well, for myself, I would rather cease to be for the rest of eternity than to disappoint Him. No. Some of you have seen it put to the test. There is never any question that enters the minds of those who know Him, “I wonder if I can get out of it? Do you suppose I just have to do that? I don't want to do that, but I guess I'll have to; it's my duty. I'm serving the King, so it's my duty now; I'll have to go out and do that, but I'd rather not.” No, any person who talks like that has not come to know Him, because if we know Him there isn't anything that we would rather do than what He wants us to. It doesn't make any difference.

You may say, “Well, then, His slightest wish would be command?” Well, as far as I am concerned it would—His slightest wish an absolute command. And it would never occur to me to wish something else. “But what about this matter of free choice? What about living an individual life? That must mean, then, that you're just sort of an automaton. If He wishes that, why, without any questioning, without any anything, you just go do it?” Wait till you start to do it and then see if you don't have plenty of chance to live, plenty of chance to use all your intelligence, plenty of chance to express your individuality. We do not try to express our individuality in the sense of arguing with the KING. If He gives a commission, well then that is the commission, and it is not a matter of “I'd rather do that”; because if it were, you would not have the commission. And as long as you have a case of “I'd rathers,” you will never have a real commission. You may begin to move toward it, but one of the most devastating things is a peculiar disease that tends to show up around the Borders of the Kingdom—you know, sort of a no-man's-land there where you are coming across the Border. [] People very often get an attack of “I'd rathers.” “I'd rather do that, I'd rather do the other, I'd rather do something else.” It is a funny thing, there is an absolute quarantine at the Border, and those who have “I'd rathers” cannot get in. It is an absolute quarantine, and anyone afflicted with “I'd rathers” has to stay out until he gets well—or dies, and then he stays out of course.

Once we begin to be citizens of the Kingdom, servants of the KING, there is just one thing. We have found that the greatest pleasure that we can know, the deepest satisfaction, the highest ecstasy, the greatest fulfilment, comes as we serve with Him—not against Him. And if you think He doesn't give us plenty of chance to exercise all of our capacities and to prove ourselves as individuals you are very wrong. No, He doesn't try to think for us, He doesn't try to act for us. He gives us a chance to be and to do, if we are ready—if we are ready. But in this we have learned, speaking from the outer standpoint of consciousness, that man's idea about opposites is so false. So many people have the idea that you cannot have pleasure without some pain. Self-active pleasure does bring some pain, that is true; but heavenly pleasure, the joy, the satisfaction, does not have an aftermath of pain. And there is no joy that a human being can know, or think that he can know, in disregarding the things of God but what he can know fulfilling the things of God. God made the body and all of its parts. God gave us our various capacities. There is not one single thing that man might call pleasure, that he wants to do self-actively, but what he could do creatively in the Kingdom. He does not have to lose. God does not take away the pleasures. He gives us an opportunity to have pleasure without pain, joy without sadness, life without death, victory without defeat. You do have to have defeat before you can have victory, but He does not rub it in. You find that the moment you let yourself be defeated in a contest with Him, you share His victory, because He is that kind of a KING. The moment you let Him win, you become the honored guest. You may say, “Well I'd like to be the honored guest without letting Him win.” It will not work, I might as well tell you. It just will not work. And it doesn't mean that you have to have some of that characteristic that emerges in the patterns of distortion, of licking someone's boots, so to speak. No. Human beings sometimes assume that that is what it is. But you see, my attitude is taken from my KING's attitude; I have the same pattern to go by. And when you acknowledge defeat you have won, and then you do not have to be defeated anymore.

But there isn't anything more futile than trying to defeat my KING. He lives in an absolutely impregnable place where human beings cannot get to Him. Their guns and their bombs cannot reach His castle; they cannot fly there in an airplane; they cannot die and go there to try to get the job done. They cannot reach Him—impregnable. And another thing about it is that trying to wait until He dies, so that you can work out a change of situation, will not work either, because you will die first. Trying to defeat my KING is absolutely the most futile, foolish and senseless business I can possibly think of. He is that kind of a KING. If you destroy yourself—no matter how much misery you put yourself in and say, “Well if I suffer enough maybe He'll yield then”—oh no, He won't. I don't care what you do. Millions and billions of human beings have tried it before you and never succeeded. He is that kind of a KING. It doesn't make any difference how much you make yourself suffer, how much of a martyr you make of yourself, or how sorry you are for yourself. You either do it His way or not at all. And He will not change one tiny, little law for you. It is absolute. He will not change one tiny, little law, no matter how much you suffer, no matter how you try to persuade Him, begging or anything else. It makes absolutely no difference. You can go through a life of misery and die, or millions like you, or billions like you, and He still would not change a single law. Sometimes people imagine that He had one set of laws a long time ago and He has a different set of laws now. No, that is not true—exactly the same set of laws that were established in the beginning when man was first created. And they are at work now, the same laws, the same circumstances, the same situation. We either obey or we do not; and if we do not, well then we bring the consequences on ourselves. And we can suffer as long as we can continue to exist and He would not change one tiny, little law to get you to stop suffering. No, you will have to change to fit the law, because He will not change the law to fit you. He is that kind of a KING. If that were not so, the rest of us would not have anything to depend on.

Suppose you did petition Him to change the law a little bit to fit you, and the rest of us woke up the next morning and we were going to do it this way, but now, “Oh that law is changed, is it? How come it's changed?” “So-and-so prayed to have that law changed and I thought I'd just let so-and-so have his way.” Oh, who is KING, after all? Who is? We know where our KING is, and we do not have to wonder if He is going to change the laws overnight because someone thought they prayed a prayer and asked Him to. So you can wear yourself out contending with Him if it pleases you, but it will not do you any good. No matter how much you suffer, no matter how much you wail, no matter how much you fuss and fume, you know it will not make Him change anything—not anything. That is why He is dependable, because the rest of us know that we can depend on His laws to work. And as soon as you realize that, you can let yourself change, stop fighting with Him, and begin to enjoy the blessings of those laws. And you will not say, “Well why does God permit war? Why does He permit the other thing?” “Oh, because human beings are contending with His laws. They refuse to let His law control, so let them suffer.” He does not want them to suffer. He is offering the love; but no matter how much, how many people suffer, He will not change His laws one iota. They are absolute, and there is nothing more futile than trying to get Him to change a law or to contend with Him or fight with Him in any way. He is that kind of a KING. He is my KING, and I would advise strongly that you begin to realize that working with His laws you can have every blessing in heaven and earth. Work against Him and you will make yourself miserable, until your body turns to a corpse, and you will gain nothing.

You see, actually, when there was war in heaven and man's consciousness was cast out of heaven here on earth, I had something to do with it. [] And my KING did not have to fight, He did not have to raise a hand, He did not have to brandish a sword. He did not even have to say, “Get out of here,” to the dragon and his angels. It was all done for Him, absolutely. He did not have to turn a hand over. He doesn't have to fight, He doesn't have to contend. And in fact He does not—He is that kind of a KING—because whatever needs to be done someone does it for Him. And it wouldn't make any difference if it took the death of ten billion people, or any other number! No, or any other number. No! A hundred billion—let them die if they refuse to learn. God has no pleasure in the death of them that die. My KING doesn't. But your suffering and your dying, your doing anything, your complaining, your fretting, your stewing, will not change Him. But you can let yourself be changed and begin to enjoy His Kingdom. And it is a wonderful place and He is a wonderful kING. What I have said cannot be anything more than just the faintest of a suggestion. I cannot tell you what a wonderful KING He is. But if you stop fighting with Him and begin to work with Him, after enough time in the cycles of eternity has gone by, you will begin to know. And I thank God for the privilege of serving Him by serving you who turn toward Him.

So let us serve together. As we truly serve together here on earth, serving our LORD and KING no matter what the limitations, no matter what seems to be against us, we know that it will be done. We can afford to wait. Of course we have plenty to do, but it doesn't have to be just so today. If someone has not learned a lesson yet, let them suffer it out a little more. Let it be stirred; perhaps they will wake up. We can wait. The human being in self-activity cannot. He cannot afford it, so he tries to rush things. But you cannot rush heaven and you cannot rush my KING. It will not work. But there are plenty of things waiting to be received by you, and by all who will become worthy, dependable, loyal citizens of His Kingdom. God bless you and keep you in the Way, and let us serve our KING forever. Aum-en.

© emissaries of divine light


Dr Steve said...

Thank you for posting this landmark service. As I open to receive the spirit of these words my heart is in awe.

Anonymous said...

Such a powerful and touching message from Uranda. "Let's serve our King together." Thank you David for making this Service available.

Anonymous said...

I cannot read Uranda’s beautiful description of my Lord and King without tearing up. I loved Him so when He walked with us, David. I miss those days, Thank you.